It's for protection.

The majority of veterans own firearms as a means of protection. Yet the vast majority of self-harm and suicide-related deaths are in veteran's own homes, using their own firearms.

So, how do we protect veterans from themselves?

How do you secure your weapon?

In an effort to understand how we can get upstream of the veteran suicide epidemic, we have to know more. We're looking for feedback from you.

  • This won't be used for gun-restriction efforts
  • Your responses are kept anonymous
  • We don't care how many firearms you have

Completing this anonymous survey can shape the life-saving support services offered at Stop Soldier Suicide.

Take Survey Now

The consequences of unlocked firearms are dire.

Research indicates that the decision to end one's life can be quick. Adding moments between the decision and the action can, and does, save a life.

We believe adding a few crucial moments using a gunlock might allow someone more time to think - adding invaluable time to the clock.

A life saved. It's our ultimate goal.

The topic of suicide can be difficult.

Resources like ours are designed to help. If you need help talking about suicide or want to know more about our services, click below.

Suicide-specific care saves lives.

We provide evidence-based treatment modalities with proven success in alleviating suicide-related issues, such as Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE) and Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) which headline the best-in-class treatment for reducing suicidal thoughts. Every member of our Wellness Center team has an advanced degree in at least one area of behavioral health; many are licensed mental health care providers.

    Each Wellness Coordinator goes through extensive training to serve suicide-specific treatment including:

    • Custom methodologies
    • Trauma-informed care
    • Biopsychosocial care
    • Motivational interview techniques

    The tools and techniques used at Stop Soldier Suicide are clinically woven together specific to the individual in our care.

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