Saving the lives of Veterans with the gift of Cryptocurrency.

Donating with crypto ensures veterans and service members at-risk for suicide have the free, confidential resources they need.

Crypto Funding Goal: $100,000 USD

What would a large gift do for the cause?

A large crypto gift would allow Stop Soldier Suicide to scale the rate at which we adapt to the needs of our clients. We’re growing quickly to meet the requests we receive from potential clients. It costs us around $24,000 to save the life of one high-risk client.

Are any fees deducted from my gift?

Unfortunately, you will have to cover the blockchain transaction fees.

What will be the dollar value of my donation?

The value of your donation will be indicated on the tax receipt and will correspond to the exchange rate at the moment your gift is converted to USD.

What are the potential tax benefits of donating crypto?

Donating crypto saves you money on two types of taxes:
Avoid paying any capital gains tax (and state income taxes) on your crypto gains.
Receive a full federal income tax deduction for the value of your crypto.
An alternative is to sell your crypto and donate the cash proceeds, but you’d owe capital gains tax on the appreciation resulting in higher taxes for you and less dollars going to furthering the mission of Stop Soldier Suicide.

Can I donate multiple different coins?

Yes, but you’ll need to give one at a time. Stop Soldier Suicide accepts many different types of crypto including Bitcoin, .

Can I receive a receipt?

Absolutely! You’ll receive a receipt from “Crypto for Charity” (legal name: cocatalyst Impact, EIN: 86-1218871) after you give your crypto.

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Yes, as allowed by your local law. You’ll get a tax-receipt with a name and email you provide. We suggest you check with your local tax advisor about the process based on local law and your gift amount.

Can I see the impact?

Yes! Each month, you’lll receive email updates about the organization, client success stories, and important information from Stop Soldier Suicide. Each year, we also release our Impact Report.

Do you hodl crypto that’s donated?

No, we don’t. Our mission is to reduce the military suicide rate by 40% no later than 2030. In order to do that, we rapidly deploy our resources to where we need them most.

In 2019, more than 6,300 Veterans died by suicide. Your gift of crypto can save lives today!

We wouldn't even be talking right now ...

A Marine Corps veteran who served his country for 10 years and three deployments, Kyle was in crisis the night he discovered Stop Soldier Suicide.

He was, in his words, prepared to take his own life before the result of a Google search spurred him to make the call for help.

“That call was so important,” he told us. “Without it, we wouldn’t even be talking right now. After that, I put the pistol down.”

Kyle came to us feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, facing a multitude of both short and long-term obstacles. In addition to a myriad of physical issues lingering from a successful bout with cancer, he struggled with PTSD and other mental health challenges as a result of long-term trauma that began with childhood abuse.

Over a nine-month period, our Wellness Center team - notably Ann, one of our team leads - worked intensely with Kyle as he fought to stay alive. We were able to facilitate in-patient PTSD trauma-informed care for Kyle, remaining by his side each step of the way with regular check-ins and additional resources.

“You may not know this, but you saved my life,” he said. “It can be so hard to find treatment, and it’s cool to know that organizations like this support us.”

Kyle’s physical and mental health needs still challenge him on a daily basis. Now though, with dedicated support along the way, he’s regained his hope and purpose. With one Google search and a phone call, Kyle found his path to a bright future and a partner he can lean on for the journey.

Kyle, Marine Corps Veteran

With a gift of crypto, you’re making an investment in the futures of American veterans and service members who are fighting to stay alive. Invest today and create a better tomorrow.