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Addressing Military Suicide


As the military suicide epidemic continues, you can be an advocate for change by getting the facts and learning how to talk about the issues. We've compiled some helpful resources for you to use and share.

If we're going to succeed in reducing the military suicide rate to the national average, it's important to talk about suicide openly, knowledgeably, respectfully and safely. Here are some practical guidelines.

How To Talk About Suicide

While approximately 13 million Americans live with post-traumatic stress disorder in any given year, PTSD has long been particularly insidious for the military community. Learn more about PTSD and how you can help.

What To Know About PTSD

Military service can be filled with traumatic events. These can alter the way someone thinks and behaves. Trauma literally changes the brain. Learning more about the effects of trauma might ultimately save a life.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

If you or someone you love needs Stop Soldier Suicide's help, start the conversation now by giving us some basic information.

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